Dr Dipankar Bose (MBBS, MD, FRCA, FFAIMS) I joined DPS Mathura Road, the only DPS in those days, in the middle of year 1 and remained there till 1979, the first batch of 10+2. It was a pure privilege to study in DPS as my parents sacrificed a lot for their only child. My father was a clerk in a government office and cycled to work and mother was a housewife who stitched all my clothes. Never had 25 paisa for pocket money to purchase an orange ice-lolly ever in my school days. I did calculate that my father was spending 50% of his salary on my education but they never stopped dreaming. As their dreams become stronger, so did my stammering which prevented me from even holding a conversation. My mother must have prompted me to become a doctor form the time of my birth and I do not remember ever wanting to do anything else. DPS allowed a nobody like me to dream and dream I did to speak without a stammer. I was never a very bright student or a rank holder but never left sight of the leading groups whose abilities always amazed me. Managed to fool some of the examiners in some scholarship exams and received NSTS and subsequently the NTS scholarships which helped me get through university as my father had retired by that time. Was again lucky enough to get into Maulana Azad Medical College in 1979 and remained in that campus for another 12 years. I exited that institution after completing my MD in Anaesthesiology and completing senior residency. For some unknown reason, Ganga Ram Hospital offered me a Consultant job in 1991 when I was not even 30 years old. I had reached the Moon. Moon, it was not and the concept of caring for people who had the ability to pay was hurting me and compounded with the desire to acquire more knowledge in Anaesthesia, I was unsettled there. Again, by some amazing stroke of luck, I got an offer to come to UK and there I was in 1992. Doors started opening here in UK and closing in India so within 6 years, I found myself becoming a Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive care in the NHS which I am till date. The difference is that in the past as a dynamic doctor, I used to think how lucky those patients are who get to see me, but I realised that it is me who is lucky to have had the opportunity to serve. My life has been revolving around my quest to find who I am and serve all those whom I can, either here in UK, any other country and of course my motherland India. Living in UK, with my aging mother, wife and 2 sons is a privilege and it was DPS where it all started. My greatest achievement in my life has been to successfully overcome my stammering which was no less severe than Bertie in 'Kings Speech' and helping many to overcome it. These days, I find myself helping those whose mind is not at rest and need a bit tender care, dabbling with my flute and giving back by involving myself in medical education. The quest to lower my ego even more and lead a simple life goes on. At you service.